Saturday, November 5, 2011

Sal Barbieri responds to the Committee

The following letter was mailed via US Postal Service to Art Students League members recently in response to the activities of The Committee for Good Governance.

November 1, 2011
Dear Members:

Recently the membership has received emails from a shadow organization called the "Committee for Good Governance."

I wish to respond to the false accusations, innuendos and incorrect information contained in these emails. In fairness to the gentleman who wrote them I will quote the author's accusations and then answer the false charges.

1. "The Board operates in secrecy letting out contracts without competitive

That is completely false. The reference is to work currently occurring in front of the 57th Street entrance. The work was necessary because the sidewalk above our basement was collapsing. The condition of the sidewalk has been monitored for 2 years.

We stabilized the condition approximately a year ago at minimal cost. However due to the continued deterioration of the steel beams supporting the sidewalk we had to make the necessary repairs.

The construction was competitively bid to 3 contractors and was awarded to the lowest bidder. One benefit which came from this necessary work was that we gained workshop space in an area that was formerly useless (it had contained an abandoned boiler). The work is being monitored by the Board Building Committee and the Chairperson Ellen Taylor.

2. "Current Board members have accepted contracts worth tens of thousands of dollars."

This is completely false. There is no evidence of any kind regarding this because none exists. Rather the nature of this falsehood reflects on the veracity of the author.

3. "The Board shuns newcomers to the Board."

During my presidency I instituted a Board Members Search Committee. None existed before. Prospective Board members are solicited through the League website, bulletin board notices and word of mouth.

The Search Committee is chaired by Len Sirowitz along with 2 additional Board members. Selection is a 2 step process. Candidates are asked to fill out a questionnaire which asks about former board experience, work experience and other related questions relative to non-profit organizations. The committee, based on the interview and the candidate's qualifications, makes a recommendation to the President and the Executive Director. After an interview with the candidate the chosen candidate's name is submitted to the Board for a yea or nay vote.

Since the start of this selection process people with business, legal and construction experience, all of whom study at the league, have and currently serve on the Board. This is a great benefit to the League and its members.

4. The Board is accused of "financial mismanagement of the general manager's contract with salary increases of 50% over the last 5 years."

That is completely false. Factually the Executive Director's contract is below the national average for non-profit organizations. If considered against art schools and similar institutions it is even lower. Also, and importantly, the Executive Director's contract was just renewed this month for a 3 year period at the same salary that he received in 2009.

5. "Board members have resigned."

Several Board members have resigned for a variety of reasons. They move, they have chosen to participate in League scholarship competitions (constitutionally no Board member may receive compensation for their service, i.e. scholarships), or they cannot continue to devote the significant time commitment required of being a Board member. However, I am not aware of any Boardmember who has resigned for reasons of suggested financial irregularities.

As a non-for-profit organization the League must comply with a myriad of regulations at all levels of government. I am proud to say that through the efforts of the Board oversight committees we have an unblemished compliance record.

6. The Board and the Executive Director have "created positions that never before existed."

The League like all non-profit institutions that fund-raise need additional staff. Staff that writes requests for grants, staff required for outreach exhibitions, Model to Monument, our You Tube channel and website, etc... If the League is going to compete and remain a premier art school we must raise funds. Additionally, the staff also provides innumerable services that to the membership may seem invisible but result in a smooth and attentive operation.

7. "A call for transparency."

The comment is absurd. The meeting minutes, budgets and requests for Board members are posted on the lobby bulletin board. Notifications are sent out through the website. Board members receive and consider suggestions from members. Board members, including me, visit classes and get feedback from the members. As noted above, as a non-profit we have compliance obligations and have to file regular reports. What is not transparent?

As to transparency, I point out that the individual who calls for transparency appears to hide his own name. The emails that I have quoted above were sent to you from 2 sources. One was sent by Hamish Sullivan on Sunday, October 9th at 4:03AM. Hamish is not a member of the League. The 2nd source was Again not an identified member of the League. I reluctantly write this letter. I hope these troubling, scurrilous and, baseless allegations from anonymous sources will cease. While I hope they do not continue and while I will not respond to each email, I would ask the membership to consider the anonymous source.

The members who serve on the Board devote their time selflessly and without compensation. They do so out of love for the League.

The League has existed for 136 years. We have been entrusted with an institution that is acknowledged as one of the premier art schools in the country. The pride and love that we all have for the League should not be tarnished by self-serving interest.

[original signed]
Salvatore Barbieri
President, Board of Control

A counter response from the committee will be posted shortly.

1 comment:

  1. Why would anyone want to be the President of the board of control? It is such a thankless job especially when it seems the masses are coming with torches and pitchforks.
    Lets put out the fire. Sal Barbieri has done a great job,selflessly and for the benefit of the League only.
